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Atlanta Speeding Accident Lawyer

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Atlanta Speeding Accident Lawyer

In 2022, there were 422 speed-related traffic fatalities throughout Georgia. Car accidents involving high speeds are some of the most dangerous because of the force exerted at the moment of impact. If you have been hurt in an accident involving a driver going over the posted speed limit, it’s essential that you hire an Atlanta speeding accident lawyer. 

At Spartan Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers, our team of attorneys has experience helping people through the aftermath of collisions. Our Georgia car accident lawyers provide the guidance you need on what your next steps should be after a crash, contact us at (844) 772-7826 for a free consultation.

How Spartan Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After An Accident In Atlanta, GA

How Spartan Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After An Accident In Atlanta, GA

Speeding collisions can result in rollover, head-on, and rear-end accidents that could leave you battling catastrophic injuries. If the crash occurred because of another party’s negligent conduct, one of the options you have is to file a claim to recover your losses. Because these accidents can be complex, having Atlanta car accident attorneys helping you makes a huge difference. 

At Spartan Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers, we offer a number of services to assist people who have suffered injuries in accidents they didn’t cause. We can:

  • Assess the claim 
  • Investigate the Atlanta accident
  • Speak with witnesses
  • Gather evidence 
  • Establish liability 
  • Pursue a settlement by negotiating with insurers
  • Take the case to court, if necessary

One of the factors that makes our law firm stand out is that we act fast. We know you’re worried about the accident and you need compensation to cover lost wages and all of the medical expenses you have. Our team won’t leave you waiting weeks for help. Contact us at Spartan Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers to speak with a Georgia attorney. 

The Dangers Of Speeding

Accidents are more likely to happen when a driver is speeding because they will have less time to react appropriately to hazards. Vitally, the faster a vehicle is traveling when it collides with another object, the more serious the crash will be. There are a few reasons for this. 

Safety equipment like seat belts and airbags can be less effective when dealing with high speeds. Even road safety measures such as guardrails could fail to protect speeding drivers as needed. 

On impact, the severity of the crash will be much greater if high speeds are involved. This comes down to pure physics, with the force exerted on impact being significant enough to lead to the most serious injuries, including spinal and head trauma. 

Steps To Take After A Speeding Accident In Atlanta

If you were in an Atlanta speeding accident, the first thing you should do is ensure that you and any passengers are safe. If you see that you’re in danger of being hit by other vehicles, move the car out of the way of traffic or leave the vehicle and get to safety on foot. 

The only exception to this is if you feel significant pain or you think you hit your head during the collision. If that’s the case, try to move as little as possible.

Contact medical services immediately. Having emergency medical technicians assess you can help you receive treatment right from the start. If you need to go to the hospital, the medical professionals will let you know. Do as they recommend even if you don’t feel severely injured. 

You’ll also need to get law enforcement on site. You’ll need a police report to file a claim, so ensuring that officers see exactly what happened is vital. If you don’t know how to get the report, make sure to ask them. 

After you exchange information with the other party, and if you’re well enough to do so, start gathering evidence from the site. Take pictures and videos of the vehicles and look for traffic cameras that your lawyer might be able to get footage from later on. If there were witnesses, get their contact information, too. 

Contact your insurance company to let them know that you were in an accident. Be cautious about what you say during this conversation. Stick to the facts and keep the talk short so you can make another essential call — the one to your lawyer. 

Contact Our Atlanta, GA, Car Accident Lawyers For A Free Consultation 

Going through a speeding accident in Georgia can mean facing serious injuries and the hefty medical bills that go along with them. If the accident occurred because of someone else’s negligence, getting assistance from Atlanta car accident lawyers can mean being able to file a claim to recover your losses. 

At Spartan Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers, our team can help you fight for your rights. Contact us to schedule a free consultation. 

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